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a cashier and ending up as its president. In 1956 he sold his stock to Herbert Latvala, of Nashwauk, who took over the presidency of the bank, with his wife becoming vice-president.

In conclusion, if the statement has been made that few Finns are left in Keewatin, it should be mentioned that they did send 21 of their young men to fight in World War II, and that in 1956 several Keewatin Finns were certainly on hand to participate with two impressive floats in the centenary parade in Duluth. Representing the pioneer generation were Amanda Järvi, Miina Manson and Kalle Tolvanen. The floats showed, respectively, the domestic chores and household duties of Finnish men and women of an earlier time. On the women's floats were posed Hanna Oja, Irene Oja, Julia Filppo, Ida Hätönen, Sanni Kettunen, Eini Airisto, Wilma Waara, Edla Salo, plus John Hätönen and Armas Riipinen; on the men's, Johan Pulkka, Arthur Wiljamaa, Alvar Airisto, Eino Oja, Arvid Filppo, Fred Hämäläinen, Mathias Kajander, Rudolf Oja, Wäinö Pääkkönen, Harvi Latvala and Robert Pulkka.

Bovey - Trout Lake - Calumet - Coleraine - Marble - Taconite

In the year 1900, Bovey, Calumet, Coleraine, Marble and Taconite were still wilderness; however, a few settlers had already arrived at Trout Lake. At this time, also, the Itasca Lumber Company started major operations here, to amount to 100,000,000 feet of timber eventually. When this was accomplished, this area (some 90 miles west of Duluth, about the same distance south of Canada) would well have reverted to wilderness again, except that when ore was discovered in the Mesabi Range, prospectors came to Bovey, too, and they did gradually locate resources at various points in the area. The population increased then, tents were replaced by houses, and a community was being formed and being rushed to legal organization in 1904, when it had the bare minimum required but was anxious to act, to claim as much area for itself as possible, to be able to have as much taxable property as possible. Disappointment followed in 1905, when far richer resources were located in Coleraine, and when mines were opened elsewhere as well: the Holman mine in Taconite, the Hill mine in Marble, with 400 men employed right at the start, etc.

In all of these mines mushrooming so suddenly there were many Finns employed. Colonies of them collected in each of these villages, and Finnish organizations were not far behind. The


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