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After Lähde quit the altered Uusi Kotimaa, he was succeeded on the paper by John A. Mursu, Jalmari Karvonen, Toivo Siren and Antti Koskela. However, due to financial difficulties soon facing it, the paper moved to Superior, Wisconsin in 1931 and there soon ceased publication altogether. In an obituary, the Minnesotan Uutiset, the only successor in New York Mills of any significant duration, wrote that "the service which the Uusi Kotimaa performed by its work over several decades to this community and at the same time to all the Finns in America must be recognized as far reaching and of great value."

The first issue of the Minnesotan Uutiset appeared on Sept. 23, 1932, and was published by the Northwestern Publishing Co., consisting principally of Carl A. Parta, business manager, and Adolph Lundquist, editor. Shortly thereafter they also purchased the Keski Länsi which Frans Tuomi had published in New York Mills for a short time. The Minnesotan Uutiset first appeared twice a week, but soon was published three times a week.

"It seems encouraging to begin work in surroundings such as New York Mills which, with the region around it, forms America's largest Finnish agricultural area," wrote the paper, "as an independent newspaper supporting our fellow Finns fine ideals and economic endeavors, the Minnesotan Uutiset will attempt to continue that valuable work which has previously been accomplished here in the newspaper field. Believing that the days of a Finnish-language newspaper in America are not yet numbered, but that such a newspaper will continue to be needed for a long time to come, the Minnesotan Uutiset ventures to publish."

Lundquist continued to edit the paper until his death in 1948. At a commemorative event sponsored by the Hibbing chapter of the Minnesota Finnish-American Historical Society in 1955, Finnish Consul Alex Kyyhkynen said of Adolf Lundquist that he had a noteworthy career not only as a newspaperman, poet and public servant but also as the initiator and leader of organized activities in his community. In the Siirtokansan Kalenteri his colleague of long standing, Lauri Lemberg, wrote that "as a newspaperman Adolf Lundquist was able and hard-working. He was no writer of fiery or strongly tendential articles but composed lines full of warm feeling, conciliatory and uniting in feeling. Discord and dissension were foreign and abhorrent to his spirit."

With the death of Lundquist, financial interest in the Minnesotan Uutiset was completely in the hands of the Parta family, Carl Parta and his son, Russell 0. Parta, and the editorship was given to Carl E. Davidson. In 1956, Davidson left to become editor


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