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U. S. Steel subsidiary's Pittsburgh Steamship Division's 13,000 ton ore carrier James A. Ferrule in the Duluth harbor loaded to transport ore to the eastern smelters.
Across the street from these boardinghouses there seemed to be an altogether different world. There the houses were much more elegant, although there were no doors on the street side and the windows were heavily curtained. During the daytime there was no sign of life or movement to be seen in those houses, but as soon as it grew dark, bright lights shone from their windows. In those houses of joy, the various nationalities all met each other, and met in peace.
But to the chronicle of the day to day life, however, there occasionally were added reports of someone in trouble with the police for cheating at cards, or stories of some having become incurable drunkards and being on the road to ruin, or news of some getting involved in a brawl, which might even appear in one of the Finnish newspapers, as did the following story: "Finns on the warpath: Around midnight, Leonard Manninen and Aatami Laukkanen, both armed with knives, were involved in a fight, and both men were wounded. Nick Christopher, in front of whose house the fight took place, informed the police. When the police arrived they found Laukkanen lying unconscious on the street." 5
The Finnish Lumberjacks: The southern end of Lake Avenue was the street of Finnish saloons. It ran parallel to St. Croix Avenue, which did not have more than one or two saloons but did have a few saunas and several boardinghouses. The Finnish lumberjacks used to show up at "the Point" with several months' pay in their pockets, and they came to spend their money and to relax after the strenuous work in the forests and the quiet
5. Päivälehti. 4 April 1914
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