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active phase in the period of 1910 to 1920, when its auxiliary activities included a gymnastics group and a chorus, as well as a well-patronized lending library whose books were later donated to the public library. Also, a workers' society was started, with 30 members at the beginning, but by 1912 membership had dropped to 19: the group did not possess quarters of its own, and its assets were negligible. Obviously, there was not much in the way of cultural activity here but, rather, it was concentrated in the program of the temperance society, whose hall also served the Finnish religious beginnings : there was a congregation founded in 1904 and affiliated with the Suomi Synod, with pastoral duties performed by visiting ministers from Eveleth and Hibbing. There was also a Finnish Methodist group, which held its services in the American Methodist Church. It must be stated, however, that religious activity was meager.
Later, there was a Finnish relief committee here, with John Aho serving as chairman. Considering the short period during which this committee was active, in a community with scarcely any organized Finnish life at the time, the $412.84 that the committee was able to forward to Finland must be considered a relatively good achievement. Still later, Buhl, together with membership from surrounding areas, sponsored a chapter of the MFAHS, with Erland Rustari serving as chairman.
Finnish businessmen in Buhl have included grocers John Niemelä (from 1905), Axel Aho and Emil Pesonen (from 1912) ; Anton Suomalainen (from 1906) and John Niemi (from 1909) had bakeries, and from 1916 to 1936 Jafet Mäki had a candy store. Charles Harju has had a lumberyard, Charles Hill a filling station, and Emil Penttilä an automotive sales business from 1932 to 1946; John Niemi kept a garage, and Matt Boriin, Matt Hook, David Niemi and John Wiitala have owned taxis. The following Finns have served in elective municipal office : Axel Aho (for 15 years), Emil Penttilä, Axel and William Renlund.
As soon as mining operations were begun in Buhl, prospecting in the adjacent areas continued apace, and O. D. Kinney, E. B. Hawkins and G. H. Crosby discovered a major lode directly north of Buhl. Kinney's name was given to the site, where exploitation began briskly in 1902. Operations were originally underground but later developed into open pit mining. Near the mine site grew a community, which became an incorporated village in
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