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Sunday school, and in 1952, when W. Hakala was its director, it still had 85 pupils. Finally, the church (which later changed its name to the Christian Bethany Church) has had as pastors the following: K. Salovaara, M. Haapala, 1907 on, S. Ilmonen, 1909-10, K. Kuusisto, 1910, M. Kortesmäki, 1911-1919, N. Saastamoinen, 1919-20, F. Y. Joki, 1921-29, J. V. Johanson, 1929-31, V. Ranta, 1931-36, 0. A. Koski, 1936-44, 0. E. Mäki, 1944-49, A. M. Karjala, 1949-53, and T. Kuusisto.
There has also been a Finnish Methodist church in Chisholm, founded in 1909 by Pastor Hjalmar Ketonen, then but recently arrived from Finland. Ketonen was simultaneously in charge of the Moose Lake church, until his transfer to New York in 1912. He was succeeded in Chisholm by M. Lehtonen, and after his death, from 1937 by Elin Pitkänen who, at her ordination in 1928, had become the first woman pastor of the church in the United States. From 1949 to 1951 the church was served by Pastor Peter Talikka, who had been invited from Finland. The Methodists have had their own premises, and they have also had auxiliary organizations, a sewing circle, started in 1914, a choir started in 1922, etc.
A Finnish Baptist preacher, John Lindgren, arrived
in 1905, and in 1906 the Swedish-Finnish Bethpage Baptist church was founded. The first services were held at the Strom and Lundquist Hall, but in 1914 a church proper was built. In 1927, a new name was adopted: First Baptist Church. With membership increased, a new church was built on the site of the original one in 1953. Nine Swedish-Finnish pastors have served this congregation, together with English-speaking clergy.
Suomi Synod Church in Chisholm. Dedicated
May 25, 1924.
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