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became auditor for a big firm in Texas; Ero, a lieutenant- commander in the U. S. Navy; Arvid, a teacher; Paavo, the owner of a factory in Florida; daughter Miriam, a nurse in Washington, D. C.; daughter Anna Liiza a Federal Government employee. Another Chisholm girl, Miriam A. Wäisänen, received her B.S. at Iowa State College and went on to study at the Chicago Art Institute; she became a District Manager for the Herman Miller Furniture Company of Grand Rapids.
Other Finns who have held positions in civic posts include Edward Ahonen, Matt Fransi, Tobias Antinpoika Piispa, and Frank and Mike Talus. Frank Talus, incidentally, was also an attorney, as were William Rahja and Esko Ranta. Frederick Walter Vasenius served as doctor in Chisholm from 1921 on, and other Finnish doctors have included Leo Nash (Näykki), T. Pekonen and Ethel and Lempi Erickson. The list of Chisholm Finns who made teaching their career is amazingly long: Toini Aho (Lahti), Arnold, Leo, Lillian and Veikko Ahonen, Eleanore and Pearl Bay, Lillian Bushman, Elroy and Martha Frank, Katherine Hagg, Helen Hakala, Elsie Hautala, Viena Heino, Esther Heiskanen, Saima and Wayne Hepola, Laino, Leo and Sulo Herrala, Signe Histio, Miriam Jaasko, Aune, Gertrude and Irma Jacobson, Martha Junttila, Bertha Kaatiala, Olga Lahti (Hulme), Signa Larson (Gunderson), Mayme Lassila, Lillian Lehtonen, Hilma Luoto, Violet Mäki, Orvo Markkula, Ann Sahlman, Mayme Näykki, Jenni Ojala, Mae Ruth Pietilä, Ruth Piispala, Ruth Pohjonen, Arvid Poutiainen, Helen and Hilma Rahja, Roy Ranta, Elma Ruohomäki, Helen and Otto Talus, Frederick and Jennie Wall, Arvo, Frans and Viljo Vaurio, Ina Westman, Esther Vinquist, Florence Wälimaa and Alli Ylinen.
The list of Chisholm Finns who have earned Ph. D. degrees in liberal arts includes Einar Klink, Eugene Lampi and J. Syrjämäki, while M.A. degrees have been granted to Lillian Ahonen, Roy Ranta and Ilma Ruohomäki. Engineers include Mauri Erkkilä, Arnold Eskel, Edwin Salmi and Edward Vaurio.
At one time there was in Chisholm a so-called `Amerikan Suomalaisten Lasten ja Nuorison Kirjallisuuden Kustannusliike' (Finnish American Children's and Young People's Publishing Company) which published among other works, in Finnish, several edited and written by Pastor M. Lehtonen, including a primer, a Sunday school hymnal, Finnish readers, etc.
Finally, it should be mentioned that one Chisholm Finn, Justiina Hirstiö, celebrated her 100th birthday in 1956 and
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