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vice-chairman; Ed. Ahonen, secretary: Oscar Pohjonen, treasurer. The organization thus created continued its relief program over a period of years, and in addition to the Finnish groups mentioned above, it also embraced the workers' society, the Finnish American Educational Association and the Cooperative Society. When the first annual meeting was held in February 1941, results showed $2,260 in money and over one ton of clothing having been sent to Finland. At this meeting, a new chairman, Gust Poutiainen, and a new vice-chairman, John Rintala, assumed office. That November, however, war conditions forced a halt to the program, although the organization as such continued its existence, now with Paavo Wäisänen as treasurer.
When the Finnish war ended, Chisholm resumed relief activities, and at the March 1945 meeting several new officers were elected: Matti Jääskä, chairman; J. G. Hulme, vice-chairman; Hilja Wäisänen, treasurer. At the same time, a publicity committee was also appointed: Hilja Wäisänen for the Päivälehti, Ida Nisula for the Minnesota Uutiset, Matt Lampi for the Industrialisti, Maria Markkula for the Osuustoimintalehti, and H. Kujanpää for the Työmies. Somewhat later more women were placed in leading positions, with Hilja Wäisänen elected chairman, Aune Puukila, secretary, and Ellen Lehtonen, treasurer. John Merilä was elected vice-chairman at the same time. Parallel with this organization, the women kept alive a knitting group also, with Hilja Wäisänen as chairman, Aune Puukila as secretary, and Maria Markkula as treasurer. Relief activities, however, gradually lessened, and in October 1948 there came a unanimous decision to stop altogether, "not because our love for Finland has died, but because it is believed that a better day has dawned there," wrote Hilja Wäisänen, describing the work performed: "Hundreds, even thousands, participated to do Chisholm's share, which was modest beside that of many other communities. But what we did, we did with our hearts."
The end of the relief program saw a start made toward organizing a local chapter of the MFAHS. The program and aims of the society were outlined to a Chisholm audience in January 1949 by Matti Erkkilä, and in February a local chapter, with 22 members, was established, under the chairmanship of John Gabriel Hulme. The officers in 1955 were Erland Rustari, chairman, Jacob Hagg, vice-chairman, Aune Puukila, secretary, and Anna Eskel, treasurer. One aspect of the local program was described by the Chisholm Tribune-Herald in April 1956, reporting the
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