Search Our Records

East Otter Tail County
History Book

Perham-New York Mills
Newspapers 1883-2008

Perham Village
Births 1882-1899

Search Instructions
Click the link to open the file. To search use the CTRL+F function. To download the file to your computer's hard drive click File then Download from the menu. When searching the above indexes, if you don't find what you're looking for try different spellings of names and places or partial spellings; there are sometimes newspaper misspellings or transcription errors. If you download the files, here is some information about using a "sounds like" or Soundex search tool for Excel spreadsheets.

Research Information

To order a newspaper article or photo, find the desired item from the Photos or Newspapers links at left and complete the form below.

If you don't find what you're looking for on our website, or have need of broader research for our local area or family research in any geographical location, please contact the museum at 218-346-7676 or email one of our researchers:

Mary Pfeffer
Andrea Young
Sue Delaney

genealogy lab